A Possible New Era for FIFA as long as they use Grant Wahl as a Anti Sepptic

A Possible New Era for FIFA as long as they use Grant Wahl as a Anti Sepptic

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With the FIFA presidency election looming, Sepp Blatter thought he had all but won the vote already. With his supposed closest challenger Qatars Mohammed Bin Hammam not stated his intention to run, it looked as Sepp Blatter would win the elections. However, step forward Grant Wahl, a 37 year old American sports journalist most famous for his book, The Beckham Experiment. Just over a week ago, he stated his desire to be FIFA president and displace the person who has brought corruption and unfairne s into the game.After he replaced the Brazilian Joao Havelange after 24 years of power, Sepp Blatters spell started with corruption surprisingly enough. After his 1998 election victory over UEFAs Lennart Johan son, the Somalian FA president Farah Addo said that Blatter had bribed him with more than $100,000 dollars to vote for him. Along with his many other many related i sues, he has also been criticized for his view on Womens football, in which he said that they should wear tighter shorts and low cut shirts in order to attract male fans. He added to this prehistoric statement Giovanni Ricci Jersey by jokingly saying that any gay fans heading to the 2022 Qatar World Cup should refrain from any sexual activities, to which he was attacked by gay rights groups and former NBA star John Amekachi for his views. He also brought the unpopular silver and golden goals to the game, but these were withdrawn during his reign, the yellow card for taking off your top when celebrating a goal, no matches to be played above 2500 metres above sea level, in which that saw complaints arise from South American nations Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru and Diego Maradona, but his most controversial was to give the 2018 World Cup to Ru sia, despite many i sues with racism and then the ludicrous decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, a very small Arab nation with a population of le s than a quarter of Londons. You can say that after this, he has been more than a hindrance than a help to the beautiful game.Now, his challenger Grant Wahl, an American sports writer who writes for American publication Sports Illustrated. Unheard of by many before announcing that he will stand up and challenge Sepp Blatter for Donte Jackson Jersey the FIFA throne, his po sible plans for the job are interesting and in my view, are seen as the Peoples plan. A recent poll on the Sports Illustrated website showed that 95% of people voted in favour of Grant Wahl getting the presidency, with Mohammed Bin Hammam getting 3% and Sepp Blatter a flattering 2%. One of his ideas is to have a Wiki leaks style clearout of FIFAs internal documents. This will hopefully clean out the bad in FIFA and they will start under a new leaf. He also wants to dispose of the one ref per country at the World Cup and give it to the refs who are at the best of their abilities. This could see Howard Webb being the last English referee to host a World Cup match. He also wants to see the back of the yellow card rule if you take of your shirt. A pointle s rule from the start because Iniesta winning the World Cup and taking off his shirt after scoring the winning goal was worth the same as Ben Thatchers ridiculous elbow on Pedro Mendes a few seasons back. Another one of his changes will see the long awaited introduction of goal line technology. Despite Sepp Blatters feeling that the game will become le s human and more technological with this introduction, the game will improve with the referees authority still there. The only one of Wahls quota of changes I disagree with is the decision to appoint a female general secretary. If a woman gets the job, thats great, but it has to be that they are the best for the jobs and not because of their gender. His final idea is that no FIFA president, including himself, should not serve more than two consecutive 4 year terms. This is due to Sepp Blatter and his predece sor Joao Havelange having shared a combined spell of 38 years between them in office. He knows that to move from sports journalism to the internationally scrutinised role of FIFA president, he says that 2 former FIFA presidents have also been sports journalists, in which it includes Sepp Blatter.However, he needs one point to even be considered for the role. We probably know the likely outcome of the elections, in which Blatter will probably triumph and get a 3rd consecutive term. This is the time for change and for FIFA to be a respectable and a corruption free organization. It is now time to use the Anti-Sepptic and wipe FIFA clean and to start afresh.Please can you comment on this article. Do you think Blatter should be overthrown as FIFA president for Grant Wahl or would you recommend D.J. Moore Jersey someone else for the role?Also, follow me on twitter at FootyAtDaChiken
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